The development of the Hydra Paddle is a result of the belief of many leading coaches that the use of hand paddles is Primarily an aid to improving stroke mechanics.
The Hydra Paddle overcomes many of the problems that may develop with the use of many orthodox paddles.
The area towards the fingertips should be reduced in area to enable effective pull through with high elbow position, the two flow through holes in the front of the Hydra Paddle further reduce resistance in this important area for young swimmers with smaller hands – thus the Hydra Paddle can be used through the swimmers career with no need to upgrade paddle size year to year.
Loss of “feel” of the water in the palm area is overcome with the unique “flow through” area of the Hydra Paddle over the palm. As the swimmer pulls correctly through the water, they will feel the flow of the water through the holes hit the palm centrally when most effective pull or push phase of the stroke is used. The “feel” of the flow is a constant reminder to the swimmer of efficient stroking technique. Coaches are urged to use the term “feel the flow”, when advising swimmers in the use of the Hydra Paddle.
Paddles will need to be constructed, inserting the small rubber for the finger and the large rubber for the wrist
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